Art On Canvas

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Our skilled artisans create the feel of an original painting with meticulous quality workmanship when creating our canvas transfers. You can transfer almost any print in our catalog to canvas, or send us your own artwork to transfer. With our quick turnaround time and competitive wholesale pricing, Lieberman's canvas transfers are a great way to decorate.

Ready to Hang Canvas Art:

Lieberman's offers a wide variety of canvas transfers, perfect for the busy designer! As a one-stop shop for all of your canvas needs, you can browse for the canvas art of your choice and know that most canvas art is in-stock or printed on demand. This canvas art can be turned around quickly and ships within 5 business days. But Lieberman's doesn't only offer a quick turnaround on canvas transfers - we've expanded our in-house printing line to offer a wider variety of sizes as well as the ability to offer custom sizing on many of the items we print. Lieberman's also creates unique artwork in-house that can only be purchased exclusively at Get the personalization, quality and speed that you need to get your project DONE! Our canvas art offers you competitive pricing without sacrificing any of the quality that you've come to expect from Lieberman's canvas transfers. For ready to hang canvas art, shop at Lieberman's.

Creating Your Own Canvas Transfer:

How to custom framing You can use the "On Canvas" and "Canvas Options" links throughout our site to order most of our items as a canvas transfer. We offer both museum wrap and gallery wrap, and options like colored edges, brushstrokes and even framing are available to further customize your canvas.
To be sure that you're still in control of the pricing charged to your retail customers, you can configure a canvas transfer on the site with your client while hiding the pricing on your screen. To view pricing your pricing, simply login to your Lieberman's account to quickly and easily place an order.

Please give us a call at 877-237-9876, if you have any questions about our quality canvas transfers!

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